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10 days left of our Crowdfunder!


We can't believe we are here. Our crowdfunding page became live a month ago and together, so far we have raised over £6000 which is incredible!

With just 10 days to go our progress is as follows:

  • We launched Philo last Tuesday with 40 others including families from in and around Lewisham!

  • Donations have bought some great play resources reflecting the diversity of the borough

  • Books for the reading area were purchased from BookLove - an amazing travelling bookshop with 20p from every book bought going towards their charity providing free books for children!

  • We have sold out of free tickets for all our November sessions and due to demand have created more spaces for families to attend

HUGE thank you to all who have donated and supported through the crowdfunding page – it is already making a difference in an area where there has very limited provision for young families. We still need to raise another £6000 to be able to run these sessions completely free from January - July next year during term time so families can continue to benefit from this.

Keep sharing the crowdfunding link with those around you and follow our instagram and twitter for regular updates. We are busy preparing for our sessions as they have already started so your help means so much to us!

If you have any questions or comments please email us at


The Shields

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